The Muslim Brothers - traduzione in
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The Muslim Brothers - traduzione in

Pinzon brothers; The Pinzon Brothers; Pinzón Brothers; The Brothers Pinzón; The Brothers Pinzon; The Pinzón Brothers; Pinzon Brothers; Brothers Pinzon
  • The Pinzón coat of arms.
  • Pinzón family house in Palos, now [[Casa Museo de Martín Alonso Pinzón]].
  • 200px
  • Palos]].
  • Statue of Martín Alonso Pinzón in Palos de la Frontera.

Moslem Brotherhood         
  • A group of pro-Brotherhood protesters holding the [[Rabia sign]] and making the associated gesture during a pro-Brotherhood protest held in October 2013
  • The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, [[Hassan al-Banna]]
  • Muslim Brotherhood fighters in the [[1948 Arab–Israeli War]]
  • Nokrashy Pasha]], who was shot by a Brotherhood assassin after outlawing the society in 1948
  • lc=y}}
  • [[Mohammed Badie]], the current leader
  • Then-U.S. Secretary of State [[John Kerry]] meeting with then-Egyptian President [[Mohamed Morsi]], May 2013
Moslem Brotherhood; Jamiat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun; Party of the Muslim Brotherhood; Society of the Muslim Brotherhood; Society of Muslim Brotherhood; Muslim Brotherhood Society; The Muslim Brotherhood; Islamic brotherhood; Muslim Brothers; Muslim brotherhood; Ikhwaan al-Muslimeeen; Ikhwaan; Society Of The Muslim Brothers; Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon; Muslim Brethren; Egyptian Brotherhood; الإخوان المسلمين; Ihkwaan al-Muslimeen; Ikhwan al-Muslimeen; Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin; Ikhwanweb; Libyan Muslim Brotherhood; Society of muslim brethren; Muslim Brotherhood activities in the United States; Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen; El-Ekhwan; Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood; Al-Ikhwan; Islam is the solution; Muslim Brotherhood in the United States; Society of the Muslim Brothers; Criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood; Ikhwan-ul-Musilmeen; Ikhwanul muslimin; Muslim Brotherhood in Europe
Moslem Broederschap
Muslim Brotherhood         
  • A group of pro-Brotherhood protesters holding the [[Rabia sign]] and making the associated gesture during a pro-Brotherhood protest held in October 2013
  • The founder of the Muslim Brotherhood, [[Hassan al-Banna]]
  • Muslim Brotherhood fighters in the [[1948 Arab–Israeli War]]
  • Nokrashy Pasha]], who was shot by a Brotherhood assassin after outlawing the society in 1948
  • lc=y}}
  • [[Mohammed Badie]], the current leader
  • Then-U.S. Secretary of State [[John Kerry]] meeting with then-Egyptian President [[Mohamed Morsi]], May 2013
Moslem Brotherhood; Jamiat al-Ikhwan al-Muslimun; Party of the Muslim Brotherhood; Society of the Muslim Brotherhood; Society of Muslim Brotherhood; Muslim Brotherhood Society; The Muslim Brotherhood; Islamic brotherhood; Muslim Brothers; Muslim brotherhood; Ikhwaan al-Muslimeeen; Ikhwaan; Society Of The Muslim Brothers; Al-Ikhwan Al-Muslimoon; Muslim Brethren; Egyptian Brotherhood; الإخوان المسلمين; Ihkwaan al-Muslimeen; Ikhwan al-Muslimeen; Al-Ikhwan al-Muslimin; Ikhwanweb; Libyan Muslim Brotherhood; Society of muslim brethren; Muslim Brotherhood activities in the United States; Ikhwan-ul-Muslimeen; El-Ekhwan; Jordanian Muslim Brotherhood; Al-Ikhwan; Islam is the solution; Muslim Brotherhood in the United States; Society of the Muslim Brothers; Criticism of the Muslim Brotherhood; Ikhwan-ul-Musilmeen; Ikhwanul muslimin; Muslim Brotherhood in Europe
Muslim Gebroeders Organisatie (een politieke organisatie die de regimen in egypte en syrie ondermijnt)
Grimm brothers         
  • 3-611-00222-4}}, S. 103.</ref>
  • The Grimms defined "[[Little Red Riding Hood]]", shown here in an illustration by [[Arthur Rackham]], as representative of a uniquely German tale, although it existed in various versions and regions<ref name="Txxxviff" />
  • Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm in 1847 ([[daguerreotype]])
  • Brüder Grimm, Alte Potsdamer Straße 5, Berlin-Tiergarten}}, Germany
  • Deutsches Wörterbuch}})
  • The graves of the Brothers Grimm in [[Schöneberg]], Berlin (St. Matthäus Kirchhof Cemetery)
  • ''Deutsche Sagen'', 1912
  • 1837}}
  • "Hansel and Gretel", illustrated by [[Arthur Rackham]], was a "warning tale" for children<ref name="D91ff" />
  • 1830}})
  • Wilhelm and Jacob Grimm in an 1843 drawing by younger brother [[Ludwig Emil Grimm]]
  • Kinder- und Hausmärchen]]}}
  • [[Deutsche Sagen]]}} (''German Legends'') included stories such as "[[Pied Piper of Hamelin]]", shown here in an illustration by [[Kate Greenaway]]
  • "[[Rumpelstiltskin]]", shown here in an illustrated border by [[Walter Crane]], is an example of a "spinning tale"
  • Steinau]] from 1791 to 1796
  • Stories such as "[[Sleeping Beauty]]", shown here in a [[Walter Crane]] illustration, had been previously published and were rewritten by the Brothers Grimm<ref name="Jean" />
Jacob and Wilhelm Grimm; Grimm Brothers; The Brother's Grimm; Grimm brothers; Jacob Ludwig Carl and Wilhelm Carl Grimm; Gebrüder Grimm; The Brothers Grimm; The grimm brothers; Gebruder Grimm; Gebrueder Grimm; Jacob And Wilhelm Grimm; Grim brothers; Brüder Grimm; Bruder Grimm; Brothers grimm; Brother Grimms
de gebroeders Grimm (Duitse detectives en sprookjesschrijvers)


see Muslim


Pinzón brothers

The Pinzón brothers were Spanish sailors, pirates, explorers and fishermen, natives of Palos de la Frontera, Huelva, Spain. Martín Alonso, Francisco Martín and Vicente Yáñez, participated in Christopher Columbus's first expedition to the New World (generally considered to constitute the discovery of the Americas by Europeans) and in other voyages of discovery and exploration in the late 15th and early 16th centuries.

The brothers were sailors along the coast of Huelva, and thanks to their many commercial voyages and piracy along the coast, they were famous along the entire coast. The strategic position offered by the historic Atlantic port of Palos, from which expeditions had set forth to the African coasts as well as to the war against Portugal, for which most of the armadas set forth from this town, organized, on many occasions, by this family.

Martín Alonso and Vicente Yáñez, captains of the caravels La Pinta and La Niña, respectively on Columbus's first voyage, are the best known of the brothers, but the third brother, the lesser-known Francisco Martín, was aboard the Pinta as its master.

It was thanks to Martín Alonso that the seamen of the Tinto-Odiel were motivated to participate in Columbus's undertaking. He also supported the project economically, supplying money from his personal fortune.

Francisco, master of the Pinta, appears to have participated in Columbus's third and fourth voyages of discovery as well as in the first, but because his name was a common one, the facts of his life cannot be easily sorted out from those of contemporaries with the same name.

Vicente Yáñez, the youngest of the three brothers, besides participating in Columbus's first voyage, once Columbus's monopoly on transatlantic trade was ended, made several voyages to the Americas on his own account and is generally credited with the discovery of Brazil.

Although they sometimes quarreled with Columbus, on several occasions the Pinzón brothers were instrumental in preventing mutiny against him, particularly during the first voyage. On 6 October, Martín intervened in a dispute between Columbus and the crew by proposing an altered course (which Columbus eventually accepted) and thus calmed simmering unrest. A few days later, on the night of 9 October 1492, the brothers were forced to intercede once again, and this time they proposed the compromise that if no land was sighted during the next three days, the expedition would return to Spain. On the morning of the 12th, land (there is some question of the location: see Guanahani) was in fact sighted by Juan Rodriguez Bermejo (also known as Rodrigo de Triana).

Esempi dal corpus di testo per The Muslim Brothers
1. The Muslim Brothers are under the National Islamic Forum banner and have seven MPs as well.
2. Washington fears the rise of the Muslim Brothers as much as it deplores the success of Hamas in Palestine.
3. The Muslim Brothers shocked the country by garnering 88 seats, six times their tally in the outgoing chamber.
4. QUESTION: Right. Are you going to start some kind of dialogue or talks with some Islamic movements, like the Muslim Brothers in Egypt, say?
5. "Opening fire on the holy mosque is a desperate act of insurgents which is meant the arouse the anger among the Muslim brothers," Army spokesman Col.